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Keeping Your Teeth Healthy During COVID-19 Restrictions

Gaining weight during COVID-19 restrictions is a problem that a lot of people are facing. This makes sense, with people spending more time at home, exercising less, and snacking more. But what about that part of your body that allows you to snack? That's right—it's your teeth! Over in England, dentists are worried about an onslaught of post-lockdown tooth decay, and there could be a similar problem here in the United States. How can you make sure that your family is able to keep their teeth healthy when visiting the dentist might not be so easy?

Local Rules and Regulations

Attending a dental appointment might be slightly more difficult, but it's not necessarily impossible. Talk to your family dentist about whether they are able to schedule appointments. You should also inquire about the additional safety protocols they have in place. The rules are different in each state (and even each county), and it can be hard to keep track of what's allowed and what isn't. Your family dentist will be able to shed some light on the situation.

A Virtual Consultation

What are your options when it's not so easy to actually get to your dentist? Ask your dentist if they provide virtual consultations (also known as teledentistry). This is a real-time interactive appointment, where your dentist uses video chat to assess the state of your teeth, making recommendations to deal with any specific issues—and noting which problems will require a physical appointment as soon as it's safe to do so.

Maintaining Oral Health

People's teeth can be in danger during COVID-19 restrictions because they're not able to see the dentist so easily and due to potential changes in their diet. Has your family been overindulging in sweet treats during the pandemic? Consider switching store-bought sugary snacks for healthier alternatives, which have less refined sugar. Also, make sure that everyone in your household is maintaining their oral health. This means everyone needs to brush and floss as normal, and there's no excuse for forgetting since everyone is spending so much time at home. That toothbrush and dental floss are never far away!

You shouldn't overlook your teeth during these uncertain times, but by keeping in touch with your dentist and by doing your part at home, your teeth (and those of your family) shouldn't be adversely affected by any COVID-19 restrictions.

To learn more, contact a family dentist in your area.
