Dental Implant Restorations And What They Involve

Dental implants can be selected to replace permanent teeth that have been lost. Here are a few details about implant restorations and what they involve: Dental implants are surgically positioned in the jawbone. Dental implant restorations are performed in a dentist's office as outpatient surgical procedures. During the surgery, a rod or screw that is made from titanium metal is inserted into the bone of the jaw. Dental implants undergo osseointegration.

Methods For Replacing Lost Teeth

Are you missing one or more teeth? If so, then you probably already know that tooth loss can cause a wide array of problems from health problems to issues with your speech, your ability to eat, and your self confidence. Fortunately, though, if you are dealing with tooth loss, there are a number of different treatment options for replacing your missing tooth or teeth and improving your smile. The best way to determine which tooth replacement method is right for you is to schedule a visit with your dentist.

2 Prosthodontics Treatment Options For A Cracked Second Bicuspid

The second bicuspid tooth is located to the rear of the pointed canine tooth. A second bicuspid helps the first bicuspid in beginning the food grinding process that's finished by the rear molars for safe swallowing. If your second bicuspid becomes cracked, you can experience pain while chewing or simply holding your mouth shut. Wide smiles can also show off the cracked tooth, which can impact your self-esteem. There are a couple of different potential treatments for a cracked second bicuspid.