
Frequently Asked Questions About Lost Dental Crowns

If you bite down hard on a piece of food or have sustained a blow to the face, you may notice that your dental crown is loose or has fallen off. When this occurs, your mind may race with questions. Here are a few frequently asked questions related to losing dental crowns and the answers.  What Causes You to Lose a Dental Crown?  The most common reason why you can lose a dental crown is from force.

Are Your Teeth Ready For False Prosthetic Teeth?

Whether you're dressing up for a costume party, a play, or just to have a little fun, temporary prosthetic teeth can provide that finishing touch to a costume. If you're interested in false fangs, you might want to stop by your dentist's office first. Prosthetic teeth are a lot of fun, but they can potentially harm your teeth without a professional's assistance. Read on to learn how this happens and what your dentist can do to prevent it.

What Happens If One Of Your Child's Adult Teeth Never Comes In?

While this is a fairly rare occurrence, it does happen, so it's important to be prepared with what to do if your child's adult tooth never comes in. Typically, once your child loses their baby tooth, you will pretty immediately notice the emergence of the adult tooth. If this doesn't happen within a few weeks or so, then it's time to take action to discover what the problem might be. Here's what you should do:

How To Make Your Teen Less Invisible

A lot of teenagers often describe themselves as "invisible" to their peers. They feel ordinary, or they are so embarrassed about something they try to hide. This is quite common with teens who know that their teeth are not perfect, and are embarrassed by it. You can help restore your teen's confidence with Invisalign for teens, and help make them less invisible. Here is how. Rebuilding Confidence Without Focusing on One Aspect

Three Dental Myths To Avoid Believing

Misinformation about dental care is a problem that can lead individuals to make critical mistakes in terms of caring for their dental health. In order to make sure you are caring for your oral health, you will have to be aware of the types of myths and misinformation that you may be believing about this aspect of your healthcare. Myth: You Should Minimize Brushing Gums That Are Prone To Bleeding

The Three Best Steps For Keeping Your Child's Teeth Healthy And Cavity-Free

If you have a child that is now old enough to see a dentist, you might want to talk to him or her about ways to help keep your child's teeth healthy and free of cavities. Your dentist may make some suggestions that will help you with this, including making sure your child visits the dentist regularly. In addition, your dentist might recommend taking two more steps to help your child protect his or her teeth.

3 Mistakes To Avoid While Wearing Your Invisible Dental Aligners

If you have recently been fitted with your first set of invisible dental aligners, you may still be unclear on how to wear and take care of them. If so, below are three things you should not do while wearing your aligners. Leaving in Your Aligners While You Eat or Drink Two of the benefits of having clear dental aligners are that they are virtually invisible and you can take them out before you eat.

Three Things To Expect When You Take Your Child To The Dentist For The Very First Time

When you take your child into the dentist for the very first time, you may not have any idea what you can expect out of the visit. If you take your child in for the first time at the recommended age of around 1 year old, then there are certain things that you can expect during the appointment. This article will discuss 3 things to expect when you take your child into the dentist.

What Can Be Done To Change The Appearance Of Your Teeth?

If you have some things about your teeth that gives them an appearance you aren't happy about, then you may want to learn about the different things your dentist might be able to do to improve their look. There are a lot of different options for some dental issues, and this article will do a great job of introducing you to some of them. What can be done to correct crooked teeth?

4 Things You Need To Understand About All On 4 Dental Implants

If you need to get dental implants, you may want to consider All on 4 dental implants. Here are four things you need to understand about all on 4 dental implants. #1 All On 4 Dental Implants Are A Specific Dental Technique When many people hear the term "All on 4" dental implants, they figure that is shorthand for something or a quick catch phrase. However, All on 4 dental implants is actually a specific dental procedure that was developed by dental manufacturer Nobel Biocare.